*Geek Box: Measurement Errors

*Geek Box: Measurement Errors Measurement error is a reality of any epidemiological study. In nutritional epidemiology, the goal is to capture dietary …

*Geek Box: PROBE Trials

*Geek Box: PROBE Trials A prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded endpoint [PROBE] trial is an alternative to the traditional double-blind, placebo …

*Geek Box: Blood Lipid Levels

*Geek Box: Blood Lipid Levels Context will be helpful in any study you read with blood cholesterol levels as an outcome, so …

*Geek Box: HRT

*Geek Box: The Famous HRT Example Any medical student likely knows this by heart at this stage. In a cohort …

*Geek Box: ApoE-4

*Geek Box: ApoE-4 Apolipoprotein E [ApoE] is a protein expressed in tissues throughout the body, but with particularly high expression …

*Geek Box: Bertrand’s Rule

*Geek Box: Bertrand’s Rule The French biological scientist and biochemist, Gabriel Bertrand, first published what became known as ‘Bertrand’s Rule’ in 1912. …

*Geek Box: Exposure Contrasts

*Geek Box: Exposure Contrasts in Nutritional Epidemiology Nutritional epidemiology faces two particular challenges when it comes to assessing diet-disease relationships: narrow variability in …

*Geek Box: Adjustment Models

*Geek Box: Adjustment Models Reading nutritional epidemiology, you will continually encounter a long list of variables [generally referred to as ‘covariates’] that the investigators adjusted …

*Geek Box: Comparison Levels

*Geek Box: Comparison Levels in Nutrition Research One issue for nutrition interventions that differ from drug interventions, is that nutrient …

*Geek Box: The ‘ATE’

*Geek Box: Average Treatment Effects One very misunderstood aspect of interpreting studies, in particular intervention studies, is that a lack of effect means that the …