*Geek Box: Apoliproprotein B

*Geek Box: Apoliproprotein B Known as ‘ApoB’, this marker has emerged as a refined measure of all atherogenic lipoproteins in …

*Geek Box: Per Protocol

*Geek Box: Per Protocol Analysis You may recall from a previous Deepdive that we covered something known as ‘intention to …

*Geek Box: Confidence Intervals

*Geek Box: Confidence Intervals You may want to read the ‘Results’ section again having read this, but let’s break down how to …

*Geek Box: Latency Periods

*Geek Box: Latency Periods The ‘latency period’ of a disease is the period during which it is developing, without any …

*Geek Box: Meta-Analysis

*Geek Box: Meta-Analysis The term “meta-analysis” was coined in 1976 by a psychologist, Gene Glass, as “an analysis of analyses”. The conceptual basis was …

*Geek Box: Sir Austin Bradford-Hill

*Geek Box: Bradford-Hill Criteria In 1965, Sir Austin Bradford Hill described his criteria for inferring causation, a framework that encapsulates …

*Geek Box: Cross Sectional Study

*Geek Box: Cross-Sectional Study A cross sectional study is a type of observational study design, where data is analysed from a …

*Geek Box: Adjustment

*Geek Box: Statistical Adjustment Reading research, you’ll come across the term ’adjusted’ or ‘controlled’, i.e., a relationship between exposure A and outcome B was …

*Geek Box: Respiratory Quotient

*Geek Box: Respiratory Quotient To determine how much energy we use at rest, known as ‘resting metabolic rate’ [RMR], how much …