*Geek Box: Respiratory Quotient

*Geek Box: Respiratory Quotient To determine how much energy we use at rest, known as ‘resting metabolic rate’ [RMR], how much …

*Geek Box: Glycaemic Variability

*Geek Box: Glycaemic Variability Numerous blood glucose measures may be used in research, and if you have an interest in …

*Geek Box: Parallel Design

*Geek Box: Parallel Design You’ve likely heard of randomised controlled trials referred to as the “gold standard” research design, and …

*Geek Box: CAC

*Geek Box: Coronary Artery Calcification Calcification of tissues is a process that can occur in response to injury. In the …

*Geek Box: Fatty Acids

*Geek Box: Understanding Fatty Acids If you read nutrition research enough, you’re going to read a lot about dietary fatty …

*Geek Box: Oxidative Stress

*Geek Box: Oxidative Stress You’ve likely heard this term, and you’ve definitely heard the term ‘antioxidant’ but what do they …

*Geek Box: Beta-Cells and Diabetes

*Geek Box: Beta-Cells & Diabetes Beta-cells of the pancreas release insulin in response to increases in blood glucose after a …

*Geek Box: Circadian Rhythms

*Geek Box: Circadian Rhythms What are ‘circadian rhythms’? The term ‘circadian’ is derived from the Latin ‘circa’, meaning ‘around’, and ‘diem’, meaning ‘day’: ‘around the …

*Geek Box: DWL

*Geek Box: Doubly-Labelled Water Doubly-labelled water has been utilised in human studies since the early 1980’s, as a reliable method …