*Geek Box: Case-Control Studies

*Geek Box: Case-Control Study Prospective cohort studies take a cohort of people from the population, and follow them prospectively, i.e., …

*Geek Box: Microbiome Terminology

*Geek Box: Microbiome Terminology Many terms of often used, sometimes interchangeable, when reading about this topic. So it can be …

*Geek Box: Cluster Randomisation

*Geek Box: Cluster Randomisation The present study had a design that is slightly different to the traditional method of randomisation, …

*Geek Box: Dietary Biomarkers

*Geek Box: Dietary Biomarkers The term “biomarker” means use of a specific biochemical measure that provides an indication of nutrient intakes. This isn’t always as straightforward …

*Geek Box: Network Meta-Analysis

*Geek Box: Network Meta-Analysis In a traditional meta-analysis, single studies are compiled together to obtain an overall summary of effect …